Sunday 18 March 2018

Fap turbo o robô forex de dinheiro real

O Fapturbo é o melhor produto de conversão de divisas do mundo que duplica depósitos monetários reais em menos de 30 dias. Seu produto forex no PLANET.
Quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009.
Obrigado por estar aqui,
Fapturbo é uma prova inegável de renda totalmente automatizada que todos podem colocar as mãos!
Os seus especialistas I. T uniram e criaram um forexrobot que:
a.) cresce pequenas contas forex em dezenas de milhares de dólares dentro de alguns meses.

Fapturbo 2.0 Review - O Real Money Forex Robot.
Fapturbo 2.0 Honest Review de um cliente real.
Quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2013.
O robô comercial FAPTurbo 2.0 Forex realmente funciona?
Desempenho do FAP Turbo Robot Live Testing So Far.
Este consultor perito tem trabalhado muito bem para mim desde que foi lançado pela primeira vez. Eu consegui resultados semelhantes aos das contas de negociação ao vivo mostradas no site da FAP Turbo. Você pode visitar o site para ver as contas de negociação ao vivo usadas pelo robô que é atualizado a cada 15 minutos.
Conta 2: Capital Inicial - US $ 2.500, Saldo Final - $ 6.700, Duração - 32 Dias.
Conta 3: Capital Inicial - $ 10.000, Saldo Final - $ 32.900, Duração - 90 dias.
FAPTurbo 2.0 Backtest Results.
Este robô comercial Forex conseguiu transformar uma conta inicial de US $ 10.000 em US $ 499.785 durante o teste de 9 anos. Embora pareça muito bom para ser verdade, comparei o relatório com gráficos de moeda histórica e seus movimentos de preços e horários específicos e descobriu que o relatório era 100% exato.

The Ultimate Proof Report:
Resultados do back-test. Todo vendedor Forex Robot usa-os.
Eles parecem bons no papel. O problema é e sempre será que eles não são suficientes. Eles não mostram como o robô irá atuar na negociação ao vivo!
Os resultados do teste anterior mostram o POTENCIAL de um Robô Forex. Como pode realizar no futuro.
O comércio VIVO, por outro lado, é a PROVA final que funciona, que gera dinheiro real.
O FAP Turbo é o # 1 Forex Robot de todos os tempos em AMBOS back-testing e avança negociação AO VIVO.
Criamos essa página de prova para mostrar 2 coisas:
2. Como na operação ao vivo, o FAP Turbo funciona muito melhor do que no back-testing - a prova final!
Vamos começar com o relatório de back-test do FAP Turbo:
Como você pode ver, o robô tem 95% dos vencedores em mais de NOVE (!!) anos de negociação e uma redução extremamente baixa de 0,35%.
Nada a esconder!
Quando você tem algo tão surpreendente como o Fap Turbo Robot, você não precisa esconder nada. Não há necessidade de explodir, não há necessidade de censurar certas questões e não é necessário manter afastado qualquer informação de seus visitantes.
Você pode facilmente verificar cada comércio feito pela FAPTURBO na declaração detalhada abaixo. Clique aqui para ver a declaração detalhada.
Nota: A página de declaração é muito grande (6.5Mb) porque abrange 9 anos.
Backtesting é bom .. Como sobre "REAL MONEY & quot; ?
Fab Turbo é um robô FX rápido e difícil que corta os lucros do mercado, como uma faca afiada flui através de manteiga quente. e o melhor de tudo. este não é o usual "ganha pouco", solta todos os & quot; estilo de negociação. Abaixo mostramos 2 de nossas contas menores mostrando como a Fap Turbo obtém lucros em contas monetárias reais. Você pode ver claramente como ele reduz as perdas em seus trilhos e ancinhos em enormes quantidades de dinheiro.
Importante: essas janelas de conta roláveis ​​são exibições diretas em nossas contas negociadas VIVAS. Para ver o tamanho da conta completa, role para baixo até a parte inferior da declaração. A declaração atualiza-se a cada 15 minutos para estar sempre atualizado. Backtesting foi ontem.
Nota: A declaração é atualizada apenas durante os dias de negociação (5 dias por semana. Sem negociações no fim de semana)
Como você pode ver a conta multiplicou seu tamanho já algumas vezes. Mais uma vez ... Sem truques Sem simulação ... A única prova de negociação REAL disponível na web.
Nossa segunda vitrine foi financiada com USD 2.500.
Nota: A declaração é atualizada apenas durante os dias de negociação (5 dias por semana. Sem negociações no fim de semana)
Por favor, veja as datas em que os negócios estão acontecendo. É algo incrível que coloca todos os outros chamados de "moneymaker & quot; envergonhar!
Nota importante: O Fapturbo realmente executa TWICE tão bom com dinheiro real como faz em backtests e ainda melhor com pequenos depósitos (o US $ 370 é, na verdade, 9 vezes seu tamanho original!)
Fap Turbo é algo revolucionário ... nós temos grande orgulho neste produto, pois não é apenas reivindicar ganhar dinheiro no piloto automático ... na verdade, ele está superando suas próprias reivindicações.

Obtenha um robô de Forex que seja capaz de dobrar seu dinheiro todos os meses.
Sim, o suficiente é suficiente.
Estamos colocando uma parada completa para Hype Back-Tested. Resultados ótimos e sem valor. Para robôs que trabalhavam no passado, mas entregavam B. S. Resultados na negociação ao vivo!
Garanto que o vídeo abaixo altere tudo o que você ouviu, viu ou tentou negociar o robô automático Forex.
Este site faz uso do Macromedia Flash player versão 8 ou posterior.
Verdadeiro ... esses $ 30.000 são dólares REAIS. Não há uma conta demo ou alguns testes de volta. mas dinheiro real que pode comprar coisas reais. produzido pelo robô Forex mais robusto, lucrativo e fácil de usar do século!
Sim. Isso é certo, você conseguiu. Nós colocamos o nosso dinheiro onde a nossa boca é!
Mas você sabe o que? Não é o suficiente. Vamos continuar.
Prova ao vivo de $ 5,100 disparando em $ 35,100 mãos livres, aqui você vai:
Está bem. Antes de continuar eu quero limpar uma coisa.
Por que trocamos várias contas ao vivo de diferentes tamanhos?
Bem, isso é bastante simples! Nós não queríamos apenas provar que o robô é um software de bombeamento de caixa. não, isso não é suficiente.
Na verdade, queríamos provar algo extremamente importante.
Nosso robô Forex pode ser negociado com QUALQUER tamanho de conta. Grande ou pequeno!
Queríamos mostrar a todos que, ao contrário de muitos robôs Forex, o FAP Turbo não está restrito ao tamanho da conta.
Agora. Vamos chegar à parte mais importante de tudo isso. para o motivo pelo qual o FAP Turbo é # 1 e será invicto por um tempo muito longo.
Quero toda a sua atenção aqui. Quero dizer, isso é KEY:
Compreender o seguinte mostrará por que o FAP Turbo é o verdadeiro negócio. porque é uma oportunidade de ouro para os mais inteligentes.
Você lembra que eu disse-lhe no início da carta que os resultados do back-test não valem nada? Bem, eles são!
Então, por que estou prestes a mostrar os resultados do teste de volta do FAP Turbo?
Bem. e esta é a melhor lição que você já aprenderá no Forex robot trading:
Os resultados do teste prévio são inúteis, A MENOS QUE você possa validá-los com o Live Forward Trading!
O que isto significa?
Bem, simples e direto: se você voltar a testar um robô e mostra lucro de "demo" de 100% em um mês, ele PRODUZIRá cerca de 80 a 100% de lucro na negociação LIVE.
É isso aí. Mais e nem menos!
Então, como o FAP Turbo funcionou no back-testing? Bem.
Para aqueles que são um pouco "técnicos", vamos resumir o acima:
Resultados incríveis, certo? Sim, muito impressionante.
Mas o que é MAIS impressionante é que os resultados de negociação AO VIVO são MELHORES do que os resultados do back-test!
No back-test, o robô calculou em média cerca de 48% de lucro por mês (5.000% dividido por 102 meses, que é de 9 anos).
Na negociação ao vivo, como você já viu a prova, o FAP Turbo realmente fez pelo menos DOUBLE isso. em cada uma das 3 contas!
O ciclo está fechado.
O ÚNICO robô que você achará que realmente troca de unhas depois do comércio em duas categorias de negócios ao vivo tão rentável como nos 9 anos de back-testing!
Simples, não pode melhorar do que isso!
Você provavelmente esperava que me apresentasse muito mais cedo na carta? Bem, isso é o que a maioria dos "Forex Gurus" fazem.
Mas. Para mim, era mais importante primeiro mostrar-lhe prova de minhas afirmações negativas ANTES de me apresentar.
No final do dia, quem você é e o que você está baseia-se.
o que você pode provar. falar hoje é barato
Assim. Vamos torná-lo formal.
Meu nome é Steve Carletti e eu sou um profissional I. T. programador e desenvolvedor principal do robô Forex mais preciso e rentável no mercado de hoje - FAP Turbo.
Eu suponho que, como muitas pessoas lá fora, meu sonho como um jovem era sempre fazer isso grande.
Bem, acho que a maioria de nós teve aquele sonho quando éramos crianças, certo?
As perguntas são quantos de nós realmente cumprimos esse sonho! Em outras palavras, quantas pessoas tiveram coragem e dedicação para seguir o que eles queriam.
Lamento ser tão ousada, mas a maioria das pessoas é patética. Por quê?
Porque eles vivem em um mundo "IF".
"Somente se eu tivesse feito isso". "Somente se eu aproveitei essa oportunidade". "Somente se eu tivesse coragem". "Somente se eu tomar o tempo". Se If, ​​If, If, If, If.
Bem, eu nunca fui uma pessoa "SE" e é por isso que eu fiz grande coisa.
É por isso que eu sou rico hoje e a maioria das pessoas que lê esta carta não é. Mais uma vez, peço desculpas por ser tão direto, mas essa é a realidade das coisas e, como você já viu, meu mundo é um mundo baseado na realidade.
Ainda me lembro no ensino médio. enquanto todos os outros estavam ocupados jogando e curtindo jovens, estava tentando descobrir uma maneira de ganhar dinheiro.
Eu tentei todas as oportunidades lá fora. Eu realmente juntei pelo menos 7 programas MLM! Claro que eles não trabalharam. mas você sabe o que?
Eu realmente atribuo meu sucesso na vida a eles e qualquer outra oportunidade que tentei.
Bem, na verdade não! Tentando coisas que não funcionaram realmente me empurrou cada vez mais para descobrir o que funciona. Isso me deu mais entusiasmo e impulso para descobrir uma maneira de ganhar grande dinheiro.
Mas também aprendi uma outra lição. um muito importante, e eu quero que você ouça muito de perto aqui:
O grande dinheiro não é feito por trabalhar duro, mas por "trabalhar" SMART!
Eu sei. sim. Isso contradiz tudo o que a maioria das pessoas tem treinado para pensar: "trabalhe duro e você alcançará seus objetivos na vida".
Bem. deixe-me perguntar-lhe isso - quantas pessoas você sabe que trabalham durante todo o mês 12-14 horas por dia e mal trazem para casa um salário de US $ 3.000?
Agora, quantas pessoas você sabe que trazem:
sem trabalhar em tudo. 100% no piloto automático. com absolutamente nenhuma intervenção humana?
Bem, isso não é preciso. você me conhece agora :-)
Então, bottom line. Não há nada de errado em trabalhar duro. Meu pai realmente trabalhou mais de 15 horas por dia por mais de 30 anos e eu respeito isso. Ele fez tudo o que podia fazer para sustentar a família.
Mas a enorme diferença entre meu pai e você e eu é que ele não tinha outra opção.
Se ele tivesse uma maneira de trazer esses salários para casa sem trabalhar tão duro, eu posso GARANTIR que ele teria deixado seu trabalho do dia e gostou da vida como deveria ser apreciado!
Sim. Essa foi a resposta de TODOS em torno de mim depois que viram a vida que eu estava liderando. A vida que FAP Turbo me deu!
Quem teria pensado há 10 anos que um dia esta será a minha vida e de muitos outros negociando o robô FAP Turbo!
Hoje vivo o sonho que a maioria das pessoas tem. Rake em dezenas de milhares de dólares enquanto dorme, joga, está de férias, assiste T. V. ou faz qualquer coisa que eu QUERO. em vez de tudo ditado por um trabalho de dia rígido e chato.
É incrível como os tempos mudam. e é incrível como uma grande descoberta pode mudar toda uma vida!
Mas as pessoas sempre queriam saber mais. eles queriam saber por que é possível ganhar tanto dinheiro sem fazer nada negociando Forex.
Bem, não posso culpá-los! Forex não é algo que você ouça com freqüência. Na verdade, parece um pouco assustador quando você ouve o termo pela primeira vez!
As vantagens do trading Forex são óbvias:
Low Startup - Você pode começar com como BAIXO como US $ 50! Mercado enorme - US $ 3 TRILHÕES negociados em todo o mundo todos os dias (Na verdade, o mercado Forex é maior do que todos os mercados mundiais de ações, títulos e futuros combinados!) 24/5 - Ação sem parar, 24 horas por dia 5 dias por semana ( De segunda a sexta-feira) Volátil - O mercado mais volátil do mundo. o que isso significa? HONORADA oportunidade a cada momento do dia Baixo custo - Enquanto com negociação de ações, futuros e opções você paga spread mais comissão, com o Forex seu único "custo do comércio" é espalhado (isso pode ser igual a ALGUÉM!) Não Cornering - Ao contrário de qualquer outro mercados, é IMPOSSÍVEL encurralar o mercado Forex. e, não importa quantas pessoas troquem com o mesmo robô, sua eficiência e rentabilidade permanecerão intactas (HUGE plus)! Up & Down - Lucro dos preços ascendentes e decrescentes. você não se importa com o caminho do mercado. Ohhh. e, ao contrário do mercado de ações dos EUA, você não precisa esperar por um up-tick para curto-circuito! Sem limite de tamanho - troque tão grande ou tão pequeno quanto você quiser! Isso é algo que SOMENTE o mercado Forex permite.
Você precisa ficar cego para não ver o incrível potencial. E a verdade seja dita, meu verdadeiro sucesso como comerciante de Forex e designer de robôs só veio depois que eu entendi completamente o significado desses elementos.
"Eu sabia que tem que ser uma maneira de ganhar dinheiro nesta incrível oportunidade - e grande tempo!"
Eu também sabia que não seria capaz de fazê-lo sozinho. No final do dia, a idéia de produzir o melhor robô Forex é um grande desafio!
Você sempre tem que conhecer seus pontos fortes. meus pontos fortes são organização, tecnologia da informação, persistência, impulso e ambição.
Mas. Nunca fui bom com números complexos e com programação avançada!
O que você faz quando você tem uma ótima idéia, mas não todas as qualificações para torná-la realidade?
Você trabalha com O MELHOR DO MELHOR nesses campos específicos, você não é o melhor!
Mike e Ulrich são os "melhores dos melhores"!
Na verdade, conheci Mike e Ulrich na universidade. Ambos eram os típicos "geeks" que você acharia estudando e apresentando novas teorias, enquanto a maioria das outras pessoas estavam festejando!
Nós conseguimos muito bem e nos tornamos amigos muito bons desde então (embora, devo admitir que eles me aborreceram às vezes com suas teorias e idéias complexas!).
De qualquer forma, Mike é um verdadeiro gênio com números complexos e Ulrich é um pequeno Einstein com programação de código aberto. Eu imediatamente vi o potencial - eles eram exatamente o que eu precisava para tirar minha ideia apenas e a idéia de um dinheiro lucrativo tirando a realidade!
Ambos adoraram a idéia de produzir um robô Forex "nunca visto antes". Suponho que se adapte à nossa personalidade - faça algo de comerciantes, bancos, gestores de fundos, etc., como "impossível"!
E então o maior projeto de Forex deste século começou - as rodas estavam em movimento - "FAP Turbo" estava prestes a nascer.
Nós conseguimos um controle de Forex no mercado. cada estratégia e método de Forex disponíveis. Toda idéia ou pedaço de idéia que pudemos encontrar. nós lemos mais de 20 livros de "design de estratégia" entre nós 3 e subscrevemos todas as publicações / serviços de Forex disponíveis.
Isso é tão grave que tomamos o projeto "FAP Turbo".
Você adivinhou direito. 99% do que vimos, testou e estudou foi CRAP! Bem, obviamente. se não fosse, acho que outros já encontrariam um robô super-Forex certo?
Mas. e essa é uma lição que aprendi muito bem desse projeto. Mesmo em informações "crap", há valor. Você pode realmente entender por que é uma porcaria e criar idéias para melhorar!
Mas você sabe qual foi a parte mais frustrante?
Mesmo os "bons" robôs de Forex que testamos trabalhamos bem SOMENTE em Backtests! Uma vez que vivemos os trocamos, perdemos nossas calças.
Sim. Perdemos muito dinheiro no processo de teste. Mas essa era a única maneira de realmente saber o que funciona e o que não faz.
Era a única maneira de entender por que tantos robôs Forex estavam falhando em entregar os bens em negociações reais.
Você conhece esse estágio onde você está pronto para desistir? Onde tudo parece uma perda de tempo. nada parece funcionar. você realmente não consegue ver a "luz no final do túnel"?
Bem. Devo admitir. Nós estávamos bem perto disso! Mas nosso trabalho compensou uma vez que tropeçamos em Marcus B Leary e seu Forex AutoPilot Robot (forexautopilot).
EU AMO esse sentimento de alívio. essa respiração profunda que vem com "FINALMENTE!". Finalmente algo que parece funcionar e fazer sentido!
Forexautopilot é uma EA que está constantemente sendo atualizada por seu criador, Marcus B. Leary, que ele mesmo é o pioneiro da programação de consultores especializados.
Ficamos bastante impressionados com o seu trabalho, já que este robô conseguiu rake em ganhos muito agradáveis ​​- consistentemente.
O risco de negociação é grande, especialmente para somas maiores. A fórmula tudo ou nada é nada para estômagos fracos.
Eu liguei seu apoio e me apresentei e o que eu estava fazendo com Mike e Ulrich. Depois de um pouco de ida e volta com a equipe de apoio, consegui falar FINALMENTE com o próprio homem.
Acertamos muito bem! Eu não diria que Marcus é o perfil médio "Geek". Mas você definitivamente pode confundi-lo com isso!
Ele é o tipo de pessoa que conversará com inspiração e muito conhecimento. Se você fala com Marcus, você deve saber do que está falando! Caso contrário, ele ficará bastante entediado em breve.
De qualquer forma, acabamos conversando por mais de 3 semanas. trocando idéias. construindo um relacionamento sólido.
Ao longo de nossas conversas, continuei insistindo que Mike, Ulrich e Me podem realmente levar seu robô Forex e torná-lo 10 vezes melhor (um pouco ousado, eu sei!).
É seguro dizer que se fosse outra pessoa com a qual eu estivesse falando, teria sido expulso. mas não com Marcus!
Que meu amigo. foi a resposta de Marcus à minha constante alegria de que podemos melhorar o seu robô Forex além da crença. que podemos "deixá-lo no pó" por assim dizer!
Claro, houve algumas condições:
"Assine um acordo de não divulgação. Dê uma olhada no código-fonte oculto do Forexautopilot e veja se você pode melhorar. Se você puder fazer melhor, você pode ter a nova versão para si mesmo. faça com isso o que quiser! "
Tenho certeza de que, quando Marcus disse o acima, ele estava em completa descrença de que realmente podemos deixar seu Robot no pó.
Bem. surpresa surpresa!
9 semanas depois. inúmeras horas de absolutamente nenhum sono. todo o nosso conhecimento. todas as nossas habilidades combinadas de programação, matemática e análise. viver, comer e respirar Forex. FAP Turbo foi FINALMENTE nascido!
Despedimos o FAP Turbo por um back-test de 2 anos. apenas para testar as águas.
Ulrich quase caiu da cadeira. e eu, alguém que é bastante difícil de surpreender, estava completamente descrédito. Eu não estou brincando! É como um dos melhores momentos da minha vida (e estou certo nas vidas de Mike e Ulrich).
Mas. Não importa o que os "traders" chamem, um teste de volta de 2 anos não é suficiente. não quase.
Então, fomos para os 9 jardas inteiras! Desligamos a FAP Turbo por um teste de volta de 9 anos.
Bem. você já os viu antes, mas vamos resumir:
9,645 Negociações totais 95,9% Vencedores 5,000% Lucro líquido 0,35% Drawdown!
(Clique aqui para saltar para os resultados reais do BackTest do MetaTrader se você ainda não os viu)
Impressionante. nunca alcançado antes e estou com sério. Nós testámos inúmeros robôs Forex. NUNCA vimos resultados próximos mesmo desses.
Mas agora o desafio REAL estava prestes a acontecer. O teste de back-back não foi suficientemente OBJECTIVO. Sim, resultados inacreditáveis, mas. como todos sabemos. são apenas resultados anteriores.
Backtests são apenas a base de um robô Forex. o início.
Basta pensar nisso por um momento. Por que você acha que tantas pessoas lá vendem robôs Forex baseados apenas em backtests.
Porque eles NÃO funcionam na negociação ao vivo!
Compreenda isso e você estará anos luz à frente de todos, eu absolutamente garanto isso.
Já era tempo de disparar "FAP Turbo" com uma conta ao vivo. Tempo para colocar o nosso dinheiro onde a nossa boca estava.
Era hora de provar para Marcus, todos os outros comerciantes de Forex lá fora e para o mundo inteiro que finalmente o fizemos - quebrou o Código. que fizemos o que nenhuma pessoa achou possível:
Um robô de Forex que, na negociação AO VIVO, duplica qualquer conta como clockworks!
$ 370 Transformando em US $ 7,300 - Em 2 meses curtos $ 2,500 Transformando em $ 8,700 - Em 45 dias $ 5,100 Transformando em US $ 25,100 - Em 30 dias.
(Se você não viu as instruções LIVE destas contas, role a página para cima)
O trabalho estava pronto. meses e meses de trabalho duro finalmente acabaram. e pagou grande hora!
Podemos agora finalmente dizer. mas mais importante - PROVE:
"FAP Turbo NÃO apenas faz um comentário para a sintonia de 5.000% de lucro em 9 anos (ou 48% por mês). Na verdade, ele oferece DOUBLE os lucros na Live Trading - 100% por mês! "
Nossa afirmação ousada de "produziremos o melhor robô Forex em existência" era agora uma realidade - PRODUZEMOS o melhor robô Forex existente! Sem fluff. não B. S. sem hype. nenhum comércio escolhido à mão. não confiar em backtesting.
. Mas PURE cold hard cash em uma verdadeira conta AO VIVO!
Nós realmente lançamos o Robot para um grupo seleto de pessoas. queríamos ter certeza de que não são apenas os EUA que pensam que a FAP Turbo é a máquina de fazer dinheiro mais fácil de usar.
Nós queríamos pessoas normais, pessoas sem experiência (pessoas como muitos daqueles que lêem esta carta agora) e sem conhecimento Forex para testar o Robot e nossas reivindicações ...
Bem. Dê uma olhada no que Karl Malcado precisava dizer:
Veja o que os outros estão falando sobre o FAPTURBO Robot ™
E sobre a experiência de Frank.
Veja o que Frank está falando sobre o FAPTURBO Robot ™
Ou o Vídeo de Clint.
Veja o que os outros estão falando sobre o FAPTURBO Robot ™
E Pete Williams.
Veja o que os outros estão falando sobre o FAPTURBO Robot ™
Isso é o que separa os resultados VIVOS do FAP Turbo e você.
Como você está lendo esta carta, o robô está realmente produzindo para nós e muitos outros potenciais reais do FAP Turbo. Foi desde que desencadeámo-lo em nossas contas ao vivo e continua a pregar o comércio após o comércio de forma lucrativa, precisa e mais importante. MÃOS LIVRES!
Você viu os resultados. você testemunhou o quão fácil é fazer dinheiro negociando Forex sem saber nada sobre o Forex!
E isso é muito importante, então, preste muita atenção.
Você precisa saber ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA sobre o mercado Forex ou Forex Trading para se beneficiar dia e dia fora do poder de produção de dinheiro da FAP Turbo.
Tudo o que você precisa é saber como baixar um programa (na verdade, a maioria disso também é cuidada por você!) E é isso mesmo!
O FAP Turbo instala-se sozinho. você nem precisa fazer isso.
É o seguinte.
Estamos conscientes do fato de que muitas pessoas não são muito boas amigas com a tecnologia. portanto, nós realmente tomamos o tempo e produzimos o mais fácil de instalar o robô que você encontrará.
Você ficará maravilhado quando você ver o quão fácil e rápido é começar a funcionar!
Mas isso não é tudo.
Uma vez instalado o FAP Turbo, você pode realmente esquecer que existe. e a menos que você olhe os novos dólares em sua conta todos os dias, você realmente esquecerá que existe!
Como você pode ver, começar a funcionar é tão fácil e rápido como baixar um anexo de e-mail!
Nós estamos dando a um grupo seleto de pessoas a oportunidade de viver o sonho que CADA único comerciante do mundo tem: negociação com um Robô automático que duplica dinheiro a cada mês!
O FAP Turbo não é apenas um ótimo produto comercial, é uma solução de renda completa.
Os maiores problemas que as pessoas têm ao procurar uma solução de renda são que eles não têm a quantidade necessária de tempo e / ou dinheiro para investir para alcançar o sucesso (ou encontrar algo que realmente FUNCIONA!).
Preste muita atenção:
Não há outra oportunidade de renda neste planeta que:
Requer muito pouco do seu investimento (pode começar com apenas US $ 50),
Mike, Ulrich, eu e muitos outros proprietários da FAP Turbo estão vivendo o sonho de dinheiro automático. Tempo livre para fazer o que queremos. pilhas de dinheiro para comprar o que queremos. Férias QUANDO queremos em vez de quando podemos.
"Living A Worries-Free. Livre de dividas. A vida de luxo é uma realidade que ninguém deve passar "
Realmente não é muitas vezes que uma grande oportunidade se apresenta. Na verdade, posso contar com uma mão o número de boas oportunidades que surgiram em minha vida.
Quantos você pode contar?
E daqueles que você pode contar. quantos você pisou no prato e provou a si mesmo que você está fazendo algo para tornar a sua vida e a daqueles que estão à sua volta MELHOR?
Dar um passo em direção a um futuro lucrativo e seguro é a diferença entre dizer "Eu gostaria de ter dado esse passo". e "Estou feliz por ter dado esse passo". isso é tudo sobre a vida. Isso é o que isso resume!
E você sabe. Muitas pessoas estão agora pensando em si mesmas.
"O Forex tem a ver com as finanças. Como o mundo está em crise financeira, o Robot realmente funcionará?
Bem. pergunte a qualquer desenvolvedor de robôs Forex a mesma pergunta e você receberá a mesma resposta "Claro que isso funcionará!". e dê-lhe de novo B. S. argumentos de por que deveria funcionar.
NÃO EUA. Nós realmente não nos importamos em fornecer-lhe alguns argumentos inventados.
Nós dizemos. "Sim, o FAP Turbo funciona em TODAS AS condições de mercado com a mesma rentabilidade e precisão. "
E em vez de argumentos de "por que" isso deveria funcionar. nós mostramos sua PROVA concreta:
Resultado: 19 Negociações vencedoras e quase $ 2,000 USD em lucro claro!
Quais são os resultados acima?
Bem. Durante o fim de semana de 13 a 14 de setembro de 2008, a Lehman Brothers declarou falência depois de não encontrar um comprador.
O Bank of America concordou em comprar a Merrill Lynch.
A companhia de seguros AIG buscou um empréstimo em ponte do Federal Reserve e um consórcio de 10 bancos criou um fundo de emergência de pelo menos US $ 70 bilhões para lidar com os efeitos do fechamento da Lehman, semelhante ao consórcio apresentado pela JP Morgan durante o mercado de ações pânico de 1907 e o acidente de 1929. Os estoques em "Wall Street" caíram em 15 de setembro.
Para fazer uma longa história curta. Os resultados acima (19 negócios vencedores e um lucro NET de quase US $ 2.000!) foram alcançados pela FAP Turbo em uma das piores crises mundiais nos últimos 30 anos!
E onde estavam todos os outros robôs Forex disponíveis no mercado? Bem. Basta visitar alguns fóruns de Forex e você descobrirá rapidamente!
Vamos continuar com uma prova mais fria e dura.
Você se lembra do que aconteceu um pouco depois, em 25 de setembro de 2008?
Bem, eu lembro-lhe:
O maior erro bancário na história ocorreu quando o JP Morgan Chase concordou em comprar os ativos bancários da Washington Mutual.
Em 29 de setembro, o Citigroup superou a Wells Fargo para adquirir os ativos da Wachovia e pagaria US $ 1 por ação, ou cerca de US $ 2,2 bilhões.
Além disso, a FDIC disse que a agência absorveria as perdas da empresa acima de US $ 42 bilhões; Em troca, receberiam US $ 12 bilhões em ações preferenciais e warrants do Citigroup em troca de assumir esse risco.
Mais uma vez, vejamos como o Fap Turbo realizou durante o mesmo período de tempo:
Resultado: 9 Negociações vencedoras e perto de US $ 1.000 no lucro Líquido!
Assim. 2 da maior crise que o mundo viu nos últimos 30 anos.
E o que o FAP Turbo fez? Produza dinheiro duro frio!
Como é isso para uma solução segura e estável de produção de dinheiro! Enquanto todos tentavam descobrir o que diabos está acontecendo, a FAP Turbo já descobriu como ganhar dinheiro. e muito disso!
Nenhum argumento. sem explicações. mas fatos reais. Não se conforme com menos.
Vamos dar uma olhada em 10 FACTOS que fazem do FAP Turbo o campeão indiscutível dos pesos pesados:
É claro que a FAP Turbo deixa cada robô Forex pendurado "seco" por assim dizer!
E é mais do que os resultados VIVOS que você viu. é o mecanismo real e as características especiais do robô que o tornam tão único.
Mãos para baixo. A FAP Turbo é a solução de renda melhor e mais completa para pessoas que:
Quer trocar com o mais preciso e lucrativo robô Forex do mundo - 95% Vencedores. Não é possível monitorar o mercado Forex por causa de um trabalho diário, compromissos, etc. e quer um software automático para fazer isso por eles. Quer trocar Forex de forma lucrativa, mas não sabe como (sem necessidade de saber, o robô faz tudo por você. De A a Z!) Quer uma fonte de renda secundária ou primária que seja consistente. Quer estar entre os 1% dos comerciantes de forex que cultivam sua conta comercial como cogumelos selvagens. Deseja sair da rotina chata e frustrante do trabalho árduo e sem dinheiro (mas com freqüência muita dívida!) Quer começar a ganhar dinheiro hoje, nao a partir de 2 meses!
Perguntas frequentes.
Como muitos outros, você provavelmente tem uma série de perguntas sobre o FAP Turbo, então vamos tentar cobrir as perguntas mais frequentes que recebemos:
2. Se somos honestos, também é um pouco de impulso ao ego. Queremos que as pessoas se lembrem de que fomos as primeiras pessoas a criar um robô de Forex automatizado que realmente funciona de forma tão boa e mais. Estamos realmente cansados ​​de todas essas promessas mumbo jumbo de riquezas rápidas surgindo na net todos os dias e queremos ser o farol da luz para a pessoa comum tentando viver de forma decente.
Além disso, um dos melhores recursos associados ao FAP Turbo é que você pode trocar uma conta de demonstração até sentir-se confortável em sua vida (você pode abrir uma conta demo com qualquer corretor de graça e por enquanto quiser!).
Esta é verdadeiramente uma oportunidade sem risco.
Estamos orgulhosos da nossa abrangente zona de membros. Cada passo de configuração é descrito em detalhes extremos, além de aprimorado com um tutorial VIDEO personalizado. Se você tiver QUALQUER questão, há até nossa linha telefônica de suporte que o orienta ao longo do caminho! Simplesmente não é melhor do que isso!
Isso é diferente de tudo o que você viu ou experimentou antes.
Uma vez que você absorveu tudo o que precisa saber, basta sentar, relaxar e assistir enquanto seu robô vai trabalhar para você!
Basta seguir as instruções passo a passo na área de membros VIP e começar a ganhar dinheiro dentro de 5 minutos de se juntar!
Esta oportunidade está disponível para TODOS.
Esta é uma maneira sólida e sólida de ganhar dinheiro online. O mercado Forex sempre será rentável, então você sempre terá uma maneira de ganhar dinheiro com a casa! Basta verificar alguns dos depoimentos para ver o que outros membros disseram sobre esta oportunidade exclusiva.
(Embora tenhamos dúvida de que você poderia ter algum, pois é um processo de configuração tão simples!)
Você tem duas opções ao usar o FAP Turbo:
Você pode simplesmente baixar o Robot e usá-lo com seu corretor Forex atual.
No entanto, você terá que ligar o computador constantemente para isso.
Você pode ter o FAP Turbo instalado em nosso servidor, nós cuidamos disso. Desta forma, você não terá que ter seu computador ligado SEMPRE!
Isso é realmente algo em que trabalhamos muito, porque sabemos o problema que as pessoas têm com o uso de seu computador ativado em todos os momentos.
E lembre-se, você tem controle total sobre o FAP Turbo como se estivesse no seu computador! O processo é bastante simples na verdade e, uma vez na área de download, guiaremos você através dele. E, como sempre, se você tiver alguma dúvida em relação a esta área ou QUALQUER MAIS, nossa equipe de suporte está disponível para você por e-mail ou telefone.
Você viu o negócio real. Você viu a prova VIVA. E você viu porque o FAP Turbo não é apenas uma reivindicação. Mas o robô Forex mais rentável na existência.
Não é apenas uma afirmação ousada que o robô gera dinheiro, e muito disso.
Não é apenas uma afirmação ousada que é fácil de usar.
E não é apenas uma afirmação ousada de que não há Robot lá fora capaz de combinar (mesmo CLOSELY) resultados da FAP Turbo.
Mas você sabe o que. mais importante que tudo.
Nossa principal receita não vem de vender a você FAP Turbo. Não. Como você já viu, ganhamos muito dinheiro negociando. Não importa quantas cópias do robô que vendemos, nunca chegaremos a uma fração do lucro que geramos ao negociá-lo em nossas próprias contas ao vivo!
Mais distante. Cada centavo da venda da FAP Turbo vai diretamente para a negociação.
Isso é o que você pode chamar "eles estão confiantes em seu produto" e "eles colocam o dinheiro onde a boca está"!
Ao longo dos últimos dias, muitas pessoas têm perguntado sobre o preço da FAB Turbo. Algumas pessoas pensaram que terá um preço de US $ 1.000.
Tanto você quanto eu sabemos que carregar US $ 1.000 ou US $ 2.000 para este robô é um bom preço. E isso não é apenas um "marketing" B. S. tentando inflar o valor do produto.
Se um robô pode transformar US $ 300 em US $ 3.000 em 1 mês (como você viu na prova da conta ao vivo mais cedo). there is absolutely no reason to NOT charge such a price tag.
Agora. the problem of charging a high price tag is quite simple. Most people 9and I am talking of over 90% out there) would not have the necessary funds to get a copy of the Robot.
They lose because they do not have the chance to trade FAP Turbo. I lose because I don't get more funds to put into my FAP Turbo live account. bottom line , bad business for all of us.
Hence, we decided on a middle ground: a $399 per month subscription. That is fair.
Most can afford it, and since FAP Turbo can make that type of profit in a day or less, the subscription price would actually be paid by the profits the robot generates.
We all win! You get FAP Turbo for a great affordable price, I get income to trade my live accounts and everyone is happy.
However, because this is the official launch of FAP Turbo I am going to do something great here. something unheard of.
I am going to charge you a one time payment of only $149 , no recurring billing. nothing!
Why am I doing this?
Quite simple. Because FAP Turbo is new and I want to show EVERYONE that it is the absolute best robot in the market. I want the word to spread out as much as possible. I want to create a great name for this product.
It is not enough that I know it is a great product, a cash pulling machine. I want everyone else out there to know it as well. to profit from it as I do day in and day out!
The special introductory one time payment price of $149 will be available ONLY DURING THE LAUNCH PERIOD. After that FAP Turbo will be a recurring subscription product.
In other words, if you buy FAP Turbo now you will only pay $149 and will never be charged again, ever .
You will enjoy ALL the benefits that people who buy the product after the launch at the new recurring billing pricing model will enjoy but for a fraction of the price. only $149 ONE TIME PAYMENT!
Aproveite esta oportunidade enquanto ainda estiver disponível.
100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.
You have seen a lot on this page.
You witnessed unheard of proof.
You saw what FAP Turbo is doing right now and how it’s performing.
You now know this is the best Robot in the market.
It doesn’t matter what we think…how FAP Turbo is performing for us or other users… it only matters what YOU think!
If for ANY reason at all you feel FAP Turbo is not for you, just send us your trading screenshots (or call us…there is a support hotline available to clients) within the first 60 days after purchase for a complete no questions asked refund.
Unfortunateley we can NOT cope with the load of visitors.
Due to this we have to change our pricing model to $ USD 399 after the next 100 46 27 copies are sold . We seriously apologize but the support team has to be fully staffed, the video and hosting costs shoot trough the roof and we want to limit the purchases in order to provide the best support ever.

Fap turbo the real money forex robot

7 DAY FREE TRIAL, then ONLY $39.95/month.
For other brokers, you will receive an easy installer.
Click to Verify.
“We invented the ultimate 100% automated Forex Money Machine!”
Get The First Self-Updating Real Money Trading Robot That Is Proven To Be Profitable In Every Market Condition.
We Are Putting A FULL STOP To Back-Tested Hype. To Optimized And Worthless Results. To Robots That Worked In The Past But Deliver B. S. Results In Live Trading!
I Guarantee That The Video Below Will.
Change Everything You Have Heard,
Seen Or Tried In Forex Automatic.
True..those $433,347 are REAL dollars. Not some demo account or some back-tests. but real money that can buy real things. produced by the century's most robust, profitable and easy to use Forex robot !
Sim. That's Right, You Got It. We Put Our Money.
Where Our Mouth Is!
Here is a real money account which is traded in public!
It grew from $5,100 to around $36,500.
Robots: FapTurbo™ 1 + FapTurbo™ 3.
Updated every 15 minutes.
We also started another live account with real money that was verified by the Midwest Accounting LLC:
Trading Bitcoin automatically!
FapTurbo™ 3.0 not only will trade 8 currency pairs at high frequency but we explored new options when it comes to automated moneymaking and thanks to close relations with brokerages we were able to get exclusive trading streams to the world's most successful crypto-currency, Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a so called crypto-currency.. virtual money that is currently establishing itself as a serious monetary instrument..
It's inflation-safe and hacker-proof.
Bitcoins are increasingly used as payment for legitimate products and services, and merchants have an incentive to accept the currency because transaction fees are lower than the 2 to 3% typically imposed by credit card processors. Notable vendors include WordPress, OkCupid, Reddit, and Chinese Internet giant, Baidu.
It's the ideal breeding ground for profits with FapTurbo™ 3.0.
Infact, during testing alone, we were able to multiply our capital by 4-5x .. we got several test accounts with balances between $10k and $50,000 USD that doubled, tripled and even quadrupled!
And the best part that is but ONE of the many profit legs of FapTurbo™ 3.0!
We wanted to show everyone that unlike many scam-only-working-on-paper Forex robots out there, FAP Turbo is REAL.
Agora. lets get to the most important part of all of this. to the reason why FAP Turbo is #1 and will be undefeated for a VERY long time.
I want your full attention here. I mean it, this is KEY:
Understanding the following will show you why FAP Turbo is the real deal. why it’s a golden opportunity for the smart ones.
Do you remember I told you at the beginning of the letter that backtest results are worthless? Well, THEY ARE!
So, why am I about to to show you backtest results of FAP Turbo?
Bem. and this is the best lesson you will ever learn in Forex robot trading:
You Can Validate Them With Live Forward Trading!
O que isto significa?
Well, simple and to the point: if you backtest a robot and it shows 100% “demo” profit in one month, it should PRODUCE around 80-100% profit in LIVE trading.
É isso aí. no more and no less!
So, how did FAP Turbo perform in backtesting? Bem.
11 Years Back-test 14,088 Total Trades 99.66% Winners 10,607% NET Profit 0.32% Drawdown!
Incredible results right? Yes, VERY impressive.
In the backtest, the robot averaged about 48% profit per month (10,607% divided by 132 months, which is 11 years).
In live trading, which you have already seen proof of, FAP Turbo has actually made at least DOUBLE that.
The loop is closed.
The ONLY robot you will find that actually nails trade after trade in live trading TWICE as profitably as in the 11 years of back-testing!
It simply can't get better than this!
Enter your name and email address below, and receive a full report on why a certain Forex Broker banned FapTurbo™ (because it was too profitable!) and why FapTurbo™ is STILL unstoppable, generating MILLIONS of Dollars.
PLUS: You'll also receive our special Bitcoin Trading Signal Indicator for MT4! Completely FREE!
These Bitcoin signals make an average return of 114.38% (Within 48 hours of the signal due to great volatile market). (details will be emailed immediately).
You probably expected me to introduce myself much earlier in the letter right? Well, that's what most “Forex Gurus” do.
Mas. for me it was more important to first show you proof of my bold claims BEFORE I introduce myself.
At the end of the day, who you are and what you are is based on what you can prove. talk is cheap these days!
Assim. let's make it formal.
My name is Steve Carletti and I am a professional I. T. programmer and the head developer of the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in todays market - FAP Turbo.
I suppose like many people out there, my dream as a young kid was always to make it big.
Well, I suppose most of us had that dream when we were kids right?
The questions is how many of us really fulfilled that dream! In other words, how many people had the courage and dedication to go after what they wanted.
I am sorry for being so bold, but most people are pathetic. Por quê?
”Only If I would have done that”. ”Only If I took that opportunity”. ”Only If I had the courage”. ”Only if I took the time”. If If, If , If , If, If.
Well, I was never an “IF” person and that is why I made it big.
That is why I am rich today and most people reading this letter are not. Again, my apologize for being so straight forward but that is the reality of things and as you have already seen my world is a reality based world.
I can still remember in high school. while everyone else was busy playing and enjoying youth I was trying to figure out a way to make money.
I tried every opportunity out there. I actually joined at least 7 MLM programs! Of course they didn't work. but you know what?
And Any other Opportunity I Tried.
Well, not really! Trying things that didn't work actually pushed me more and more to figure out what does work. it gave me more enthusiasm and thrust to figure out a way to make BIG money.
But I learned another lesson as well. a very important one, and I want you to listen very closely here:
Eu sei. sim. this contradicts everything most people have been trained to think: “work hard and you will reach your goals in life”.
Bem. let me ask you this – how many people do you know that work all month long 12-14 hour days and barely bring home a $3,000 paycheck?
Now, how many people do you know that bring:
without working at all. 100% on autopilot. with absolutely NO human intervention?
Well, that's not accurate. you know me now :-)
So, bottom line. there is nothing wrong with working hard. My father actually worked more than 15 hours a day for over 30 years and I respect that. He did everything he could do to support the family.
But the HUGE difference between my father and YOU and ME is that he didn't have another option.
Sim. that was the response of EVERYONE around me after they saw the life I was leading. the life FAP Turbo gave me!
Who would have thought 10 years ago that one day this will be my life and of many others trading the FAP Turbo robot!
Today, I live the dream most people have. rake in tens of thousands of dollars while resting, playing, vacationing, watching T. V.
It's amazing how times change. and its amazing how one great discovery can change a whole life!
But people always wanted to know more. they wanted to know why it is possible to make so much money without doing anything trading Forex.
Well, can't blame them! Forex is not something you hear often. it actually sounds a bit scary when you hear the term for the first time!
The advantages of trading Forex are obvious:
Low Startup – You can start with as LOW as $50! Huge Market – $3 TRILLION traded around the world every day (Actually, the Forex market is bigger than ALL the world stock, bonds, and futures markets combined!) 24/5 – Non stop action, 24 hours a day 5 days per week (Monday through Friday) Volatile – The most volatile market in the world. what does that mean? HUGE opportunity every moment of the day Low Cost – While with stock trading, futures and options you pay spread plus commission, with Forex your only “cost of trade” is spread (that can add up to ALOT!) No Cornering – Unlike any other markets, it is IMPOSSIBLE to corner the Forex market. and, no matter how many people trade with the same robot its efficiency and profitability will remain intact (HUGE plus)! Up & Down – Profit from rising and falling prices. you don't care which way the market goes. Ohhh. and, unlike with the US stock market, you don't have to wait for an up-tick for shorting! No Size Limit – Trade as BIG or as SMALL as you want! This is something that ONLY the Forex market allows you.
You have to be blind not to see the incredible potential. and truth be told, my real success as a Forex trader and robot designer only came after I completely understood the significance of these elements.
I also knew that I would not be able to do it alone. At the end of the day, the idea of producing the best Forex robot in existence is quite a big challenge!
You always have to know your strengths. my strengths are organization, information technology, persistence, drive and ambition.
Mas. I was never good with complex numbers and with advanced programming!
What do you do when you have a great idea but not all the qualifications to make it a reality?
You work with THE BEST OF THE BEST in those specific fields you are not the best!
Mike and Ulrich are that “best of the best”!
I actually met both Mike and Ulrich while in university. Both were those typical “geeks” you would find studying and coming up with new theories while most other people were partying!
We hit it off quite well and became very good friends ever since (although, I must admit they do bore me at times with their complex theories and ideas!).
Both LOVED the idea of producing a “never seen before” Forex robot. I suppose it fits our personality – do something traders, banks, fund managers etc. label as “impossible”!
Started – The Wheels Were In Motion – “FAP Turbo”
Was About To Be Born.
We got a hold of every single Forex robot in the market. every single Forex strategy and method available. every idea or piece of idea we could find. we read over 20 “strategy design” books between the 3 of us and subscribed to every single Forex publication/service available.
That's how serious we took project “FAP Turbo”.
You guessed right. 99% of what we saw, tested and studied was CRAP! Well, obviously. if it wasn't, I suppose others would have already come up with a super-Forex robot right?
Mas. and this is a lesson I learned quite well from this project. even in “crap” information there is value. you can actually understand why it is crap and come up with ideas to improve it!
But you know what was the most frustrating part?
Worked Well ONLY In Backtests!
Once We Live Traded Them We Actually Lost Our Pants.
Sim. we lost a lot of money in the process of testing. but that was the only way to actually know what works and what doesn't.
It was the only way to understand why so many Forex robots were failing to deliver the goods in real LIVE trading.
Do you know that stage where you are ready to give up? Where everything seems a waste of time. nothing seems to work. you can't really see the “light at the end of the tunnel”?
Bem. I must admit. we were quite close to it! But our work paid off once we stumbled into Marcus B Leary and his Forex AutoPilot Robot (forexautopilot).
I LOVE that feeling of relief. that deep breath that comes with “FINALLY!”. finally something that seems to work and make sense!
We were quite impressed by his work as this robot seriously was able to rake in very nice gains - consistently.
The trading risk is to big, especially for larger sums. The all or nothing formula is nothing for weak stomachs.
I called up their support and introduced myself and what I was doing with Mike and Ulrich. after a little back and forth with the support staff I was able to FINALLY speak with the man himself.
We hit is off quite well! I wouldn't say Marcus is the average “Geek” profile. but you can definitely confuse him with that!
He is the type of person that will talk with inspiration and A LOT of knowledge. If you talk to Marcus, you have to know what you are talking about! If not, he will get quite bored quite soon.
Anyway, we ended up talking for over 3 weeks. exchanging ideas. building a solid relationship.
All through our conversations I kept insisting that Mike, Ulrich and Me can actually take his Forex robot and make it 10 times better (a bit bold, I know!).
It is safe to say that if it was another person I was talking to I would have been blown off. but not with Marcus!
That my friend. was Marcus's reply to my constant bragging that we can improve his Forex robot beyond belief. that we can “leave him in the dust” so to speak!
Of course, there were some conditions:
I am sure that when Marcus said the above he was in complete disbelief that we can actually leave his Robot in the dust.
Bem. surprise surprise!
9 weeks later. countless hours of absolutely no sleep. all our knowledge. all our combined programing, mathematics and analysis abilities. living, eating, and breathing Forex. FAP Turbo was FINALLY born!
We fired FAP Turbo for a 2 year back-test. just to test the waters.
Ulrich almost fell off the chair. and I, someone that is quite hard to surprise, was in complete disbelief. I'm NOT kidding! It as one of the greatest moments in my life (and I am sure in Mike's and Ulrich's lifes to).
Mas. no matter what so called “traders” tell you, a 2 year back-test is not enough. not nearly.
So, we went for the whole 9 yards! We fired up FAP Turbo for a 10 year back-test.
14,088 Total Trades 99.66% Winners 10,607% NET Profit 0.32% Drawdown!
Impressive. never achieved before and I am serious. We have backtested countless Forex robots. we have NEVER seen results coming even close to these ones.
But now the REAL challenge was about to take place. back-testing was OBVIOUSLY not enough. Yes, unbelievable results, but. as we all know. it's only backtested results.
Backtests are only the foundation of a Forex robot. the beginning.
Just think of it for a moment. why do you think so many people out there sell Forex robots based ONLY on backtests.
Because they DON'T work in live trading!
Understand that and you will be light years ahead of everyone, I absolutely guarantee that.
With A Live Account. Time To Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Was.
It was time to prove to Marcus, every other Forex trader out there and to the whole world that we finally did, it - we cracked the Code. that we have done what no person thought possible:
A Forex Robot that in LIVE trading doubles ANY account like clockworks!
$500 Turning Into $1,100- In 2 Short Months $2,500 Turning Into $8,700 - In 45 Days $5,100 Turning Into $25,100 - In 30 Days.
(If you haven't seen the LIVE statements of these accounts please scroll up the page)
The job was done. months and months of hard work were finally over. and it paid BIG time!
We could now finally say. but more importantly - PROVE:
Our bold claim of “we will produce the best Forex robot in existance” was now a reality – we PRODUCED the best Forex robot in existence! Sem fluff. no B. S. no hype. no hand picked trades. no relying on backtesting.
We actually released the Robot to a select group of people. we wanted to make sure that it is not only US who think that FAP Turbo is the ultimate most easy to use money making machine.
We wanted normal people, people without experience (people like many of those reading this letter now) and without Forex knowledge to test the Robot and our claims…
See what Loz is saying about FapTurbo™
"Unheard 99% model quality on this robot called FapTurbo Ichimoku. It is doing extremely well. It is an awesome robot and you are getting it for free as a part of the package! 85,000 customers can't be wrong!"
See what Tony is saying about FapTurbo™.
"During the eight minutes my trades have risen to such profit levels, which even great traders would have made only in one day. I was amazed by the precision with which this program works. Every day my incomes only grew. It was almost six months ago. Since then I have almost tripled my money."
See what Alex is saying about FapTurbo™ and showing his account.
"Hi there, my name is Alex and I've been using fapturbo for a couple of years just right from the time when they released one of their earliest versions two years ago. First off, I wanna say that FapTurbo is one of THE best forex scalper robots out there in the market and I've been steadily making money with it."
See what Victor is saying about FapTurbo™.
"I observed as FAP TURBO really only improved my accounts, and during those months I almost doubled my capital. I am very pleased and I recommend everyone to start with little money to eventually increase them twofold, threefold, fourfold. With this program you can achieve the results that you want, such as myself."
Lets see what Anthony is saying about FapTurbo™
"I've been trading for 5 years and even developed several successful forex systems myself with my friend Ronald. Later we decided to open our own testing website called forexealab where we test different robots on the market and find the best for our clients. I must say I was really impressed by the fapturbo performance."
Yes, Automated Forex trading is possible! And YOU could do it too!
As you are reading this letter, the robot is actually producing for us and many other FAP Turbo owners real cash. it has been since we fired it up on our live accounts and it continues to nail trade after trade profitably, accurately and most importantly. HANDS FREE!
You have seen the results. you have witnessed how easy it is to make money trading Forex WITHOUT knowing anything about Forex!
And this is very important so please pay close attention.
FAP Turbo actually installs alone. you don't even have to do that.
Here is the thing.
we are aware of the fact that many people are not very good friends with technology. hence, we really took the time and produced the most easy to install robot you will find.
You will actually be amazed when you see how easy and fast it is to get up and running!
FAP Turbo isn’t just a great trading product, it’s a complete income solution.
The biggest problems people have when searching for an income solution are that they don't have the required amount of time and/or money to invest in order to achieve success (or find something that actually WORKS!).
Pay close attention:
There is no other income opportunity on this planet that:
(can start with as little as $50),
(set it. forget it!), and.
Mike, Ulrich, eu e muitos outros proprietários da FAP Turbo estão vivendo o sonho de dinheiro automático. free time to do what we want. piles of money to buy what we want. vacationing WHEN we want rather than when we can.
It is truly not many times a great opportunity presents itself. I can actually count with one hand how many GOOD opportunities came my way through life.
How many can you count?
And from those you can count. how many did you step up to the plate and proved to yourself that you are doing something to make your life and that of those around you BETTER?
Taking a step towards a profitable and secure future is the difference between saying “I wish I would have taken that step”. and “I am glad I took that step”. that's what its all about in life. that's what it boils down to!
And you know. many people are now thinking to themselves.
Bem. ask any Forex robot developer the same question and you will get the same answer “Sure it will work!”. and give you afew B. S. arguments of why it should work.
NOT US. we don't really care in feeding you some made up arguments.
Nós dizemos. ”Yes, FAP Turbo works throughout ANY market conditions with the exact same profitability and precision. "
And instead of arguments of “why” it should work. we show you concrete PROOF it works:
And what did FAP Turbo do? Produce cold hard cash!
How is that for a secure and stable cash producing solution! While everyone was trying to figure out what the hell is going on, FAP Turbo already figured out how to make money. and A LOT of it!
No arguments. no explanations. but real facts. Don't ever settle for less.
Let's take a close look at 10 FACTS that make FAP Turbo THE indisputable heavyweight champion:
It is clear that FAP Turbo leaves every single Forex robot hanging “dry” so to speak!
And its more than the LIVE results you have seen. its the actual mechanism and special features of the robot that make it so unique.
Mãos para baixo. FAP Turbo is the absolute best and most complete income solution for people who:
Want to trade with the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in the world – 99% Winners. Can't Monitor the Forex Market because of a day job, commitments, etc and want an automatic software to do it for them. Want to trade Forex profitably but don't know how (no need to know, the robot does everything for you. from A to Z!) Want a secondary or primary income source that’s consistent. Want to be amongst the 1% of forex traders who grow their trading account like wild mushrooms. Want to break out from the boring and frustrating routine of hard work and no money (but frequently a lot of debt!) Want to Start making money today, not 2 months from now!
Enter your name and email address below, and receive a full report on why a certain Forex Broker banned FapTurbo™ (because it was too profitable!) and why FapTurbo™ is STILL unstoppable, generating MILLIONS of Dollars.
PLUS: You'll also receive our special Bitcoin Trading Signal Indicator for MT4! Completely FREE!
These Bitcoin signals make an average return of 114.38% (Within 48 hours of the signal due to great volatile market). (details will be emailed immediately).
Like many others, you probably have a number of questions about the FAP Turbo so let's try to cover the most frequently asked questions we receive:
1. We do use it ourselves - every day! You can see the results from the live accounts throughout the website. The Forex market is so HUGE and no matter how many people trade the Robot its accuracy and profitability will remain the same - so why not take a few people along for the ride? They make money (by trading with FAP Turbo) and we make money (by showing them how to use it). Simples. Everyone's happy and we get to invest the profits from selling FAP Turbo into our FAP Turbo live accounts!
2. If we are honest, it’s also a bit of an ego-boost. We want people to remember that we were the first people to create an automated Forex Robot that actually works in such a profitable way and over delivers. We are really tired of all those mumbo-jumbo promises of quick riches popping up on the net every other day and we want to be the beacon of light for the average person trying to make a decent living.
Also, one of the best features associated with FAP Turbo is that you can trade in a demo account until you feel comfortable going live (you can open a demo account with any broker for free and for as long as you want!).
This truly is a risk-free opportunity.
We are VERY proud of our comprehensive members-zone. Every setup step is described in extreme detail PLUS further enhanced with a custom VIDEO tutorial. Should you have ANY question, there is our regular Support and we even provide expedited Premium Support (for an extra $10/month), guiding you all along the way! It simply doesn't get any better than that!
This is unlike anything you have seen or experienced before.
Once you've absorbed all you need to know, just sit back, relax and watch as your robot goes to work for you!
Simply follow the Step by Step instructions in the VIP members area and start making money!
This opportunity is available to EVERYONE.
This is a rock solid way to make money online. The Forex market will always be profitable, so you'll always have a way to make money from home! Just check out some of the testimonials to see what other members have said about this exclusive opportunity.
(although we doubt you could have any trouble, since its such a simple setup process!)
Well, and this is what separates FAP Turbo from 99% of other Forex robots out there, you have the option of not using your computer at ALL!
You have two options when using FAP Turbo:
Você pode simplesmente baixar o Robot e usá-lo com seu corretor Forex atual.
No entanto, você terá que ligar o computador constantemente para isso.
You can have FAP Turbo installed on a VPS server, and our Premium Support can help take care of that for you. This way, you will not have to have your computer turned on EVER!
This is actually something we have been working on very hard because we know the problem people have with keeping their computer turned on at all times.
And remember, you have full control over FAP Turbo as if it were on your computer! The process is quite simple actually and once in the download area we will guide you through it. And as always, if you have any questions at all regarding this area or ANYTHING else our support staff is available for you via email or telephone.
No more hassles with choosing brokers, optimal settings, wrong configurations and high spreads. We found out that most effective and most profitable way for our premium members is to trade on the FapTurbo™ 3 optimized feed from Myfxchoice and Tallinex. That is how you can maximize your results. Myfxchoice takes a small commission from your winning trades for providing you the service. So it's a WIN+WIN situation!
The best thing about FapTurbo™ 3.0 is that comes fully preinstalled on your MyFxChoice and Tallinex MT4! Plug and play solution. Real no brainer!
No more hassles with choosing brokers, optimal settings, wrong configurations and high spreads. We found out that most effective and most profitable way for our premium members is to trade on the FapTurbo™ 3 optimized feed from MyFxChoice and Tallinex. That is how you can maximize your results. Myfxchoice takes a small commission from your winning trades for providing you the service. So it's a WIN+WIN situation!
And the best part, we dont ask you to choose between two! You get BOTH! Está certo! 1 License is valid for 2 live accounts! Each license owner gets 2 sublicenses to install 2 fully functional FapTurbo™ 3.0 copies..that`s right double the bang for your buck! Those two legs allow you to cashing big right from the start without even having done a single trade!
While developing FapTurbo™ 3.0 we did not only put our focus on profitable algorithms but on trading relationships as well.
That's why FapTurbo™ 3.0 features a DUAL LEG (tm) system.. the very first in the industry where you get double the benefits.. and what benefits those are !
Thanks to the original FapTurbo's fame we were able to get these bonuses for you right upon the launch of FapTurbo™ 3.0.
Because they know how good FapTurbo™ 1 worked and since both brokers are true ECN brokerages siding with you and not against you in the currency markets (unlike market maker brokerage) they want you to make as much profit as possible so their commission cut gets bigger and bigger the more YOU make!
You Have Seen The LIVE Proof.
And You Have Seen Why FAP Turbo Is Not Just A Claim. But The Most Profitable Forex Robot In Existence.
It is not just a bold claim that the robot makes money, and a lot of it.
It is not just a bold claim that it is easy to use.
And it is not just a bold claim that there is no Robot out there able to match (even CLOSELY) FAP Turbo's results.
But you know what. more important than everything.
Our main income does not come from selling to you FAP Turbo. No. As you have already seen, we make A LOT of money by trading it. No matter how many copies of the robot we sell, we will never even come to a fraction of the profit we generate by trading it on our own live accounts!
Further. every single cent from the sale of FAP Turbo goes directly to it's trading.
That is what you can call “they are confident in their product” and “they put their money where their mouth is”!
Throughout the last few days many people have been asking about the price of FAB Turbo. Some people even thought that it will be priced in the $1,000's.
Both you and me know that charging $1,000 or $2,000 for this robot is a good price. And this is not just some “marketing” B. S. trying to inflate the value of the product.
If a Robot can turn $300 into $3,000 in 1 month (as you have seen in the live account proof earlier). there is absolutely no reason to NOT charge such a price tag.
Agora. the problem of charging a high price tag is quite simple. Most people 9and I am talking of over 90% out there) would not have the necessary funds to get a copy of the Robot.
They lose because they do not have the chance to trade FAP Turbo. I lose because I don't get more funds to put into my FAP Turbo live account. bottom line, bad business for all of us.
Hence, we decided on a middle ground: a $399 per month subscription. That is fair.
Most can afford it, and since FAP Turbo can make that type of profit in a day or less, the subscription price would actually be paid by the profits the robot generates.
We all win! You get FAP Turbo for a great affordable price, I get income to trade my live accounts and everyone is happy.
However, because this is the official launch of FAP Turbo I am going to do something great here. something unheard of.
I am going to charge you a monthly payment of only $39.95/mo , nothing more!
Why am I doing this?
Quite simple. Because FAP Turbo is new and I want to show EVERYONE that it is the absolute best robot in the market. I want the word to spread out as much as possible. I want to create a great name for this product.
It is not enough that I know it is a great product, a cash pulling machine. I want everyone else out there to know it as well. to profit from it as I do day in and day out!
The special introductory payment price of only $39.95/mo will be available ONLY DURING THE LAUNCH PERIOD. After that FAP Turbo will be a recurring subscription product.
In other words, if you buy FAP Turbo now you will only pay $39.95 and will never be charged again, ever.
You will enjoy ALL the benefits that people who buy the product after the launch at the new recurring billing pricing model will enjoy but for a fraction of the price. ONLY $39.95/mo!
Aproveite esta oportunidade enquanto ainda estiver disponível.
You have seen a lot on this page.
You witnessed unheard of proof.
You saw what FAP Turbo is doing right now and how it’s performing.
You now know this is the best Robot in the market.
It doesn’t matter what we think…how FAP Turbo is performing for us or other users… it only matters what YOU think!
If for ANY reason at all you feel FAP Turbo is not for you, just send us your trading screenshots (or call us…there is a support hotline available to clients) within the first 60 days after purchase for a complete no questions asked refund.
Server Overladen & Costs increased.
Because FapTurbo™ is in such high demand, our video and hosting costs continue to rise. We're also very diligent in making sure we keep our customer service department well staffed so that you can always get the support you need. As a result, we are constantily reviewing the price of FapTurbo™ to make sure it is in line with our rising costs. What this means to you is that we could choose to raise the price of FapTurbo™ at any time, so we encourage you to act fast!
If you want to enjoy ALL the benefits of FAP Turbo as a life-time member, I suggest you act fast!
FREE TRIAL for 7 Days, then ONLY $39.95/month.
For other brokers, you will receive an easy installer.
FapTurbo™ sold over 85,000 copies now making it the BEST selling robot worldwide and was subject to several updates to keep its peek performance.. Competitors have come and gone because they were just after the quick buck flooding the forex scene with worthless not working crap or even worse what i call "get-your-hopes-up-for-a-week-then-blow-your - account-martingale-trading-sceme-crap". What you get with us is a LIFETIME SERVICE. We became so popular on forex for a reason.
Because we keep developing and we keep ensuring maximum profitability for us and our community.
For other brokers, you will receive an easy installer.
Steve, Mike and Uli and the whole FapTurbo support and community team!
Once you've absorbed all you need to know, just sit back, relax and watch as your robot goes to work for you!
This is unlike anything you have seen or experienced before.
This truly is a risk-free opportunity.
* 13,014 Total Trades.
* 8,792% NET Profit.
Post your feedback about FapTurbo™ robot. Please do not post any support questions, use supportfapturbo3 instead. No spam links are allowed.
7 DAY FREE TRIAL, then ONLY $39.95/month.
For other brokers, you will receive an easy installer.
todos os direitos reservados.
Disclaimer: In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results we personally achieved on our live accounts during our forex trading. Nossos resultados não são indicativos de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Não estamos sugerindo que esses resultados podem ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Past performances do not necessarily indicate future results!
Some of the accounts shown on this page are simulation demo accounts and backtests for the demonstration purposes. They give you impression on how the robot might work and trade but they do not necessarily indicate future results!
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated we have no connection to the person giving the testimonials. Where we do have a material connection to the person we will clearly state the connection. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success. Actor Portraying Real Purchaser.
The betatesters used in this video were provided a review copy of the product and a result has a material connection to our website, which may influence their opinion. In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results our betatesters that were achieved during the forex trading. The results are not indicative of future performance or success.
People who send testimonial tend to be happy with the product at the time they sent the testimonial but their experience may change over time. Não estamos sugerindo que esses resultados podem ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Past performances do not necessarily indicate future results!
FTC Required disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated we have no connection to the person giving the testimonials. Where we do have a material connection to the person we will clearly state the connection. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success. The betatesters used in the video testimonials were provided a review copy of the product and a result has a material connection to our website, which may influence their opinion. In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results our betatesters that were achieved during the forex trading. The results are not indicative of future performance or success.
All 5 video tesimonials shown on this page are REAL verifiable people and not actors.

Fap turbo the real money forex robot

Click to Verify.
“We invented the ultimate predictive Forex Expert Advisor!”
Get The First Self Updating Real Money Trading Robot That Is Proven To Be Profitable In Every Market Condition.
And Is The ONLY ONE With.
We Are Putting A FULL STOP To Back-Tested Hype. To Optimized And Worthless Results. To Robots That Worked In The Past But Deliver B. S. Results In Live Trading!
I Guarantee That The Video Below Will.
Change Everything You Have Heard,
Seen Or Tried In Forex Automatic.
Sim. Thats Right, You Got It. We Put Our Money.
Where Our Mouth Is!
Here is a real money account which is traded on public!
It grew from $5,100 to around $36,500.
Robots: FapTurbo™ 1 + FapTurbo™ 2.
Updated every 15 minutes.
We also started another account which is a live real money that was verified by the Midwest Accounting LLC:
Trading Bitcoin automatically!
FapTurbo™ 2.0 will not only trade 8 currency pairs at high frequency but we explored new options when it comes to making money in Forex and thanks to close relations with brokerages we were able to get exclusive trading streams to the world's most successful crypto-currency Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a so called cryptocurrency.. virtual money that is currently estabilishing itself as a serious monetary instrument..
Its inflation safe and hackerproof.
Bitcoins are increasingly used as payment for legitimate products and services, and merchants have an incentive to accept the currency because transaction fees are lower than the 2 to 3% typically imposed by credit card processors. Notable vendors include WordPress, OkCupid, Reddit, and Chinese Internet giant Baidu.
The ideal breeding ground for profits with FapTurbo™ 2.0.
In Fact during testing alone we were able to multiply capital by 4-5x .. we got several test accounts with balances between 10 and 50,000 usd that doubled tripled and even quadrupled!
And the best part that is but ONE of the many profit legs of FapTurbo™ 2.0!
We wanted to show everyone that unlike many scam-only-working-on-paper Forex robots out there, FAP Turbo is REAL.
Agora. lets get to the most important part of all of this. to the reason why FAP Turbo is #1 and will be undefeated for a VERY long time.
I want your full attention here. I mean it, this is KEY:
Understanding the following will show you why FAP Turbo is the real deal. why it’s a golden opportunity for the smart ones.
Do you remember I told you at the beginning of the letter that back-test results are worthless? Well, THEY ARE!
So, why am I about to to show you back-test results of FAP Turbo?
Bem. and this is the best lesson you will ever learn in Forex robot trading:
You Can Validate Them With Live Forward Trading!
O que isto significa?
Well, simple and to the point: if you back-test a robot and it shows 100% “demo” profit in one month, it should PRODUCE around 80-100% profit in LIVE trading.
Thats it. mo more and no less!
So, how did FAP Turbo perform in back-testing? Bem.
11 Years Back-test 14,088 Total Trades 99.66% Winners 10,607% NET Profit 0.32% Drawdown!
Incredible results right? Yes, VERY impressive.
In the back-test the robot averaged about 48% profit per month (10,607% divided by 132 months which is 11 years).
In live trading, as you have already seen proof of, FAP Turbo has actually made at least DOUBLE that.
The loop is closed.
The ONLY robot you will find that actually nails trade after trade in live trading TWICE as profitably as in the 11 years of back-testing!
It simple cant get better than this!
Put your name and email address below, and receive a full report on why a certain Forex Broker banned FapTurbo™ (because it was too profitable!) and why FapTurbo™ is STILL unstoppable generating MILLIONS of Dollars.
PLUS: You'll also receive our special Bitcoin Trading Signal Indicator for MT4! Completely FREE!
These Bitcoin signals make an average return of 114.38% (Within 48 hours of the signal due to great volatile market). (details will be emailed immediately).
You probably expected from me to introduce myself much earlier in the letter right? Well, thats what most “Forex Gurus” do.
Mas. for me it was more important to first show you proof of my bold claims BEFORE I introduce myself.
At the end of the day, who you are and what you are is based on what you can prove. talk is cheap these days!
Assim. lets make it formal.
My name is Steve Carletti and I am a professional I. T. programmer and the head developer of the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in todays market - FAP Turbo.
I suppose like many people out there, my dream as a young kid was always to make it big.
Well, I suppose most of us had that dream when we were kids right?
The questions is how many of us really fulfilled that dream! In other words, how many people had the courage and dedication to go after what they wanted.
I am sorry for being so bold, but most people are pathetic. Por quê?
”Only If I would have done that”. ”Only If I took that opportunity”. ”Only If I had the courage”. ”Only if I took the time”. If If, If , If , If, If.
Well, I was never an “IF” person and that is why I made it big.
That is why I am rich today and most people reading this letter are not. Again, my apologize for being so straight forward but that is the reality of things and as you have already seen my world is a reality based world.
I can still remember in high school. while everyone else was busy playing and enjoying youth I was trying to figure out a way to make money.
I tried every opportunity out there. I actually joined at least 7 MLM programs! Of course they didn't work. but you know what?
And Any other Opportunity I Tried.
Well, not really! Trying things that didn't work actually pushed me more and more to figure out what does work. it gave me more enthusiasm and thrust to figure out a way to make BIG money.
But I learned another lesson as well. a very important one, and I want you to listen very closely here:
Eu sei. sim. this contradicts everything most people have been trained to think: “work hard and you will reach your goals in life”.
Bem. let me ask you this – how many people do you know that work all month long 12-14 hour days and barely bring home a $3,000 paycheck?
Now, how many people do you know that bring:
with hardly any human intervention?
Well, thats not accurate. you know me now :-)
So, bottom line. there is nothing wrong with working hard. My father actually worked more than 15 hours a day for over 30 years and I respect that. He did everything he could do to support the family.
But the HUGE difference between my father and YOU and ME is that he didn't have another option.
Sim. that was the response of EVERYONE around me after they saw the life I was leading. the life FAP Turbo gave me!
Who would have thought 10 years ago that one day this will be my life and of many others trading the FAP Turbo robot!
Today, I live the dream most people have. rake in tens of thousands of dollars while resting, playing, vacationing, watching T. V.
It's amazing how times change. and its amazing how one great discovery can change a whole life!
But people always wanted to know more. they wanted to know why it is possible to make so much money without doing anything trading Forex.
Well, can't blame them! Forex is not something you hear often. it actually sounds a bit scary when you hear the term for the first time!
The advantages of trading Forex are obvious:
Low Startup – You can start with as LOW as $50! Huge Market – $3 TRILLION traded around the world every day (Actually, the Forex market is bigger than ALL the world stock, bonds, and futures markets combined!) 24/5 – Non stop action, 24 hours a day 5 days per week (Monday through Friday) Volatile – The most volatile market in the world. what does that mean? HUGE opportunity every moment of the day Low Cost – While with stock trading, futures and options you pay spread plus commission, with Forex your only “cost of trade” is spread (that can add up to ALOT!) No Cornering – Unlike any other markets, it is IMPOSSIBLE to corner the Forex market. and, no matter how many people trade with the same robot its efficiency and profitability will remain intact (HUGE plus)! Up & Down – Profit from rising and falling prices. you don't care which way the market goes. Ohhh. and, unlike with the US stock market, you don't have to wait for an up-tick for shorting! No Size Limit – Trade as BIG or as SMALL as you want! This is something that ONLY the Forex market allows you.
You have to be blind not to see the incredible potential. and truth be told, my real success as a Forex trader and robot designer only came after I completely understood the significance of these elements.
I also knew that I would not be able to do it alone. At the end of the day, the idea of producing the best Forex robot in existence is quite a big challenge!
You always have to know your strengths. my strengths are organization, information technology, persistence, drive and ambition.
Mas. I was never good with complex numbers and with advanced programming!
What do you do when you have a great idea but not all the qualifications to make it a reality?
You work with THE BEST OF THE BEST in those specific fields you are not the best!
Mike and Ulrich are that “best of the best”!
I actually met both Mike and Ulrich while in university. Both were those typical “geeks” you would find studying and coming up with new theories while most other people were partying!
We hit it off quite well and became very good friends ever since (although, I must admit they do bore me at times with their complex theories and ideas!).
Both LOVED the idea of producing a “never seen before” Forex robot. I suppose it fits our personality – do something traders, banks, fund managers etc. label as “impossible”!
Started – The Wheels Were In Motion – “FAP Turbo”
Was About To Be Born.
We got a hold of every single Forex robot in the market. every single Forex strategy and method available. every idea or piece of idea we could find. we read over 20 “strategy design” books between the 3 of us and subscribed to every single Forex publication/service available.
Thats how serious we took project “FAP Turbo”.
You guessed right. 99% of what we saw, tested and studied was CRAP! Well, obviously. if it wasn't, I suppose others would have already come up with a super-Forex robot right?
Mas. and this is a lesson I learned quite well from this project. even in “crap” information there is value. you can actually understand why it is crap and come up with ideas to improve it!
But you know what was the most frustrating part?
Worked Well ONLY In Backtests!
Once We Live Traded Them We Actually Lost Our Pants.
Sim. we lost a lot of money in the process of testing. but that was the only way to actually know what works and what doesn't.
It was the only way to understand why so many Forex robots were failing to deliver the goods in real LIVE trading.
Do you know that stage where you are ready to give up? Where everything seems a waste of time. nothing seems to work. you can't really see the “light at the end of the tunnel”?
Bem. I must admit. we were quite close to it! But our work paid off once we stumbled into Marcus B Leary and his Forex AutoPilot Robot (forexautopilot).
I LOVE that feeling of relief. that deep breath that comes with “FINALLY!”. finally something that seems to work and make sense!
We were quite impressed by his work as this robot seriously was able to rake in very nice gains - consistently.
The trading risk is to big, especially for larger sums. The all or nothing formula is nothing for weak stomachs.
I called up their support and introduced myself and what I was doing with Mike and Ulrich. after a little back and forth with the support staff I was able to FINALLY speak with the man himself.
We hit is off quite well! I wouldn't say Marcus is the average “Geek” profile. but you can definitely confuse him with that!
He is the type of person that will talk with inspiration and A LOT of knowledge. If you talk to Marcus, you have to know what you are talking about! If not, he will get quite bored quite soon.
Anyway, we ended up talking for over 3 weeks. exchanging ideas. building a solid relationship.
All through our conversations I kept insisting that Mike, Ulrich and Me can actually take his Forex robot and make it 10 times better (a bit bold, I know!).
It is safe to say that if it was another person I was talking to I would have been blown off. but not with Marcus!
That my friend. was Marcus's reply to my constant bragging that we can improve his Forex robot beyond belief. that we can “leave him in the dust” so to speak!
Of course, there were some conditions:
I am sure that when Marcus said the above he was in complete disbelief that we can actually leave his Robot in the dust.
Bem. surprise surprise!
9 weeks later. countless hours of absolutely no sleep. all our knowledge. all our combined programing, mathematics and analysis abilities. living, eating, and breathing Forex. FAP Turbo was FINALLY born!
We fired FAP Turbo for a 2 year back-test. just to test the waters.
Ulrich almost fell off the chair. and I, someone that is quite hard to surprise, was in complete disbelief. I'm NOT kidding! It as one of the greatest moments in my life (and I am sure in Mike's and Ulrich's lifes to).
Mas. no matter what so called “traders” tell you, a 2 year back-test is not enough. not nearly.
So, we went for the whole 9 yards! We fired up FAP Turbo for a 10 year back-test.
14,088 Total Trades 99.66% Winners 10,607% NET Profit 0.32% Drawdown!
Impressive. never achieved before and I am serious. We have backtested countless Forex robots. we have NEVER seen results coming even close to these ones.
But now the REAL challenge was about to take place. back-testing was OBVIOUSLY not enough. Yes, unbelievable results, but. as we all know. it's only backtested results.
Backtests are only the foundation of a Forex robot. the beginning.
Just think of it for a moment. why do you think so many people out there sell Forex robots based ONLY on backtests.
Because they DON'T work in live trading!
Understand that and you will be light years ahead of everyone, I absolutely guarantee that.
With A Live Account. Time To Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Was.
It was time to prove to Marcus, every other Forex trader out there and to the whole world that we finally did, it - we cracked the Code. that we have done what no person thought possible:
A Forex Robot that in LIVE trading doubles ANY account like clockworks!
$500 Turning Into $1,100- In 2 Short Months $2,500 Turning Into $8,700 - In 45 Days $5,100 Turning Into $25,100 - In 30 Days.
(If you haven't seen the LIVE statements of these accounts please scroll up the page)
The job was done. months and months of hard work were finally over. and it paid BIG time!
We could now finally say. but more importantly - PROVE:
Our bold claim of “we will produce the best Forex robot in existance” was now a reality – we PRODUCED the best Forex robot in existence! Sem fluff. no B. S. no hype. no hand picked trades. no relying on backtesting.
We actually released the Robot to a select group of people. we wanted to make sure that it isn't just US who believe FAP Turbo to be the ultimate, easy-to-use forex robot that we designed it to be!
We wanted normal people, people without experience (people like many of those reading this letter now) and without Forex knowledge to test the Robot and our claims…
See what Loz is saying about FapTurbo™
"Unheard 99% model quality on this robot called Fapturbo Ichimoku. It is doing extremely well. It is an awesome robot and you are getting it for free as a part of the package! 85,000 customers can't be wrong!"
See what Tony is saying about FapTurbo™.
"During the eight minutes my trades have risen to such profit levels, which even great traders would have made only in one day. I was amazed by the precision with which this program works. Every day my incomes only grew. It was almost six months ago. Since then I have almost tripled my money."
See what Alex is saying about FapTurbo™ and showing his account.
"Hi there, my name is Alex and I've been using fapturbo for a couple of years just right from the time when they released one of their earliest versions two years ago. First off, I wanna say that FapTurbo is one of THE best forex scalper robots out there in the market and I've been steadily making money with it."
See what Victor is saying about FapTurbo™.
"I observed as FAP TURBO really only improved my accounts, and during those months I almost doubled my capital. I am very pleased and I recommend everyone to start with little money to eventually increase them twofold, threefold, fourfold. With this program you can achieve the results that you want, such as myself."
Lets see what Anthony is saying about FapTurbo™
"I've been trading for 5 years and even developed several successful forex systems myself with my friend Ronald. Later we decided to open our own testing website called forexealab where we test different robots on the market and find the best for our clients. I must say I was really impressed by the fapturbo performance."
Yes, Automated Forex trading is possible! And YOU could do it too!
As you are reading this letter, the robot is actually producing for us and many other FAP Turbo owners real cash. it has been since we fired it up on our live accounts and it continues to nail trade after trade profitably, accurately and most importantly. HANDS FREE!
You have seen the results. you have witnessed how you can run our profitable robot with minimal knowledge about Forex!
And this is very important so please pay close attention.
FAP Turbo 2 is actually pre-installed for you. so you won't even have to do that yourself.
Here is the thing.
we are aware of the fact that many people are not very good friends with technology. hence, we really took the time and produced the most easy-to-run robot you will find.
You will actually be amazed when you see how easy and fast it is to get up and running!
The biggest problems people have when searching for an income solution are that they don't have the required amount of time and/or money to invest in order to achieve success (or find something that actually WORKS!).
Pay close attention:
There is no other income opportunity on this planet that:
(can start with as little as $50),
Mike, Ulrich, eu e muitos outros proprietários da FAP Turbo estão vivendo o sonho de dinheiro automático. free time to do what we want. piles of money to buy what we want. vacationing WHEN we want rather than when we can.
It is truly not many times a great opportunity presents itself. I can actually count with one hand how many GOOD opportunities came my way through life.
How many can you count?
And from those you can count. how many did you step up to the plate and proved to yourself that you are doing something to make your life and that of those around you BETTER?
Taking a step towards a profitable and secure future is the difference between saying “I wish I would have taken that step”. and “I am glad I took that step”. thats what its all about in life. thats what it boils down to!
And you know. many people are now thinking to themselves.
Bem. ask any Forex robot developer the same question and you will get the same answer “Sure it will work!”. and give you afew B. S. arguments of why it should work.
NOT US. we don't really care in feeding you some made up arguments.
Nós dizemos. ”Yes, FAP Turbo works throughout ANY market conditions with the exact same profitability and precision. "
And instead of arguments of “why” it should work. we show you concrete PROOF it works:
And what did FAP Turbo do? Produce cold hard cash!
How is that for a secure and stable cash producing solution! While everyone was trying to figure out what the hell is going on, FAP Turbo already figured out how to make money. and A LOT of it!
No arguments. no explanations. but real facts. Don't ever settle for less.
Let's take a close look at 10 FACTS that make FAP Turbo THE indisputable heavyweight champion:
It is clear that FAP Turbo leaves every single Forex robot hanging “dry” so to speak!
And its more than the LIVE results you have seen. its the actual mechanism and special features of the robot that make it so unique.
Mãos para baixo. FAP Turbo is one of the best forex solutions for people who:
Want to trade with the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in the world – 90% Winners. Can't Monitor the Forex Market because of a day job, commitments, etc and want an automatic software to do it for them. Want to be amongst the 1% of forex traders who grow their trading account like wild mushrooms.
Put your name and email address below, and receive a full report on why a certain Forex Broker banned FapTurbo™ (because it was too profitable!) and why FapTurbo™ is STILL unstoppable generating MILLIONS of Dollars.
PLUS: You'll also receive our special Bitcoin Trading Signal Indicator for MT4! Completely FREE!
These Bitcoin signals make an average return of 114.38% (Within 48 hours of the signal due to great volatile market). (details will be emailed immediately).
Like many others, you probably have a number of questions about the FAP Turbo so let's try to cover the most frequently asked questions we receive:
1. We do use it ourselves - every day! You can see the results from the live accounts throughout the website. The Forex market is so HUGE and no matter how many people trade the Robot its accuracy and profitability will remain the same - so why not take a few people along for the ride? They make money (by trading with FAP Turbo) and we make money (by showing them how to use it). Simples. Everyone's happy and we get to invest the profits from selling FAP Turbo into our FAP Turbo live accounts!
2. If we are honest, it’s also a bit of an ego-boost. We want people to remember that we were the first people to create an automated Forex Robot that actually works in such an extremely good way and over delivers. We are really tired of all those mumbo jumbo promises of quick riches popping up on the net every other day and we want to be the beacon of light for the average person trying to make a decent living.
Also, one of the best features associated with FAP Turbo is that you can trade in a demo account until you feel comfortable going live (you can open a demo account with any broker for free and for as long as you want!).
This truly is a risk-free opportunity.
We are VERY proud of our comprehensive members-zone. Every setup step is described in extreme detail PLUS further enhanced with a custom VIDEO tutorial. Should you have ANY question there is even our support telephone hotline guiding you all along the way! It simply doesn't get any better than that!
This is unlike anything you have seen or experienced before.
Once you've absorbed all you need to know, just sit back, relax and watch as your robot goes to work for you!
Simply follow the Step by Step instructions in the VIP members area and start making money!
This opportunity is available to EVERYONE.
Just check out some of the testimonials to see what other members have said about this exclusive opportunity.
(Altough we doubt you could ever have any since its such a simple setup process!)
Well, and this is what separates FAP Turbo from 99% of other Forex robots out there, you have the option of not using your computer at ALL!
You have two options when using FAP Turbo:
Você pode simplesmente baixar o Robot e usá-lo com seu corretor Forex atual.
No entanto, você terá que ligar o computador constantemente para isso.
You can have FAP Turbo installed on our server, we take care of that. This way, you will not have to have your computer turned on EVER!
This is actually something we have been working on very hard because we know the problem people have with keeping their computer turned on at all times.
And remember, you have full control over FAP Turbo as if it were on your computer! The process is quite simple actually and once in the download area we will guide you through it. And as always, if you have any questions at all regarding this area or ANYTHING else our support staff is available for you via email or telephone.
FapTurbo™ 2 is our new creation for the premium members. It comes fully preinstalled on your MyfxChoice and Tallinex Mt4! Plug and play solution. Real no brainer!
No more hassles with choosing brokers, optimal settings, wrong configurations and high spreads. We found out that most effective and most profitable way for our premium members is to trade on the FapTurbo™ 2 optimized feed from Myfxchoice and Tallinex. That is how you can maximize your results. Myfxchoice takes a small commission from your winning trades for providing you the service. So it's a WIN+WIN situation!
If you are an old FapTurbo™ 1 legit customer, they even offer a comeback ticket for previous FapTurbo™ 1 owners (because there are 80,000 of then) at a discounted price to reward loyal customers its 20% off for you if you had a previous license.. just get that recipt nr out of your mailbox and save.. Click here to use Come Back Ticket discount.
The best thing about FapTurbo™ 2.0 is that comes fully preinstalled on your MyfxChoice and Tallinex Mt4! Plug and play solution. Real no brainer!
No more hassles with choosing brokers, optimal settings, wrong configurations and high spreads. We found out that most effective and most profitable way for our premium members is to trade on the FapTurbo™ 2 optimized feed from Myfxchoice and Tallinex. That is how you can maximize your results. Myfxchoice takes a small commission from your winning trades for providing you the service. So it's a WIN+WIN situation!
And the best part, we dont ask you to choose between two! You get BOTH! Está certo! 1 License is valid for 2 live accounts! Each license owner gets 2 sublicenses to install 2 fully functional FapTurbo™ 2.0 copies..that`s right double the bang for your buck! Those two legs allow you to cashin big right from the start without even having done a single trade!
While developing FapTurbo™ 2.0 we did not only put our focus on profitable algorithms but on trading relationships as well.
Thats why FapTurbo™ 2.0 features a DUAL LEG (tm) system.. the very first in the industry where you get double the benefits.. and what benefits those are !
Thanks to the original fapturbos fame we were able to get these bonuses for you right upon the launch of FapTurbo™ 2.0.
Because they know how good FapTurbo™ 1 worked and since both brokers are true ECN brokerages siding with you and not against you in the currency markets (unlike market maker brokerage) they want you to make as much profit as possible so their commission cut gets bigger and bigger the more YOU make!
You Have Seen The LIVE Proof.
And You Have Seen Why FAP Turbo Is Not Just A Claim. But The Most Profitable Forex Robot In Existence.
It is not just a bold claim that the robot makes money, and a lot of it.
It is not just a bold claim that it is easy to use.
And it is not just a bold claim that there is no Robot out there able to match (even CLOSELY) FAP Turbo's results.
But you know what. more important than everything.
Our main income does not come from selling to you FAP Turbo. No. As you have already seen, we make A LOT of money by trading it. No matter how many copies of the robot we sell, we will never even come to a fraction of the profit we generate by trading it on our own live accounts!
Further. every single cent from the sale of FAP Turbo goes directly to it's trading.
That is what you can call “they are confident in their product” and “they put their money where their mouth is”!
Throughout the last few days many people have been asking about the price of FAB Turbo. Some people even thought that it will be priced in the $1,000's.
Both you and me know that charging $1,000 or $2,000 for this robot is a good price. And this is not just some “marketing” B. S. trying to inflate the value of the product.
Agora. the problem of charging a high price tag is quite simple. Most people 9and I am talking of over 90% out there) would not have the necessary funds to get a copy of the Robot.
They lose because they do not have the chance to trade FAP Turbo. I lose because I don't get more funds to put into my FAP Turbo live account. bottom line, bad business for all of us.
Hence, we decided on a middle ground: a $399 per month subscription. That is fair.
We all win! You get FAP Turbo for a great affordable price, I get income to trade my live accounts and everyone is happy.
However, because this is the official launch of FAP Turbo I am going to do something great here. something unheard of.
I am going to charge you a one time payment of only $149 , no recurring billing. nothing!
Why am I doing this?
Quite simple. Because FAP Turbo is new and I want to show EVERYONE that it is the absolute best robot in the market. I want the word to spread out as much as possible. I want to create a great name for this product.
It is not enough that I know it is a great product. I want everyone else out there to know it as well!
So, we are offering FAP Turbo 2.0 to you for a low price of only $149ONE TIME PAYMENT!
You have seen a lot on this page.
You witnessed unheard of proof.
You saw what FAP Turbo is doing right now and how it’s performing.
You now know this is the best Robot in the market.
It doesn’t matter what we think…how FAP Turbo is performing for us or other users… it only matters what YOU think!
If for ANY reason at all you feel FAP Turbo is not for you, just send us your trading screenshots (or call us…there is a support hotline available to clients) within the first 60 days after purchase for a complete no questions asked refund.
(you will NEVER be billed again and you will enjoy ALL the benefits of FAP Turbo as a life time member)
For A One Time Payment Of $149.
FapTurbo™ sold over 85,000 copies now making it the BEST selling robot worldwide and was subject to several updates to keep its peek performance.. Competitors have come and gone because they were just after the quick buck flooding the forex scene with worthless not working crap or even worse what i call "get-your-hopes-up-for-a-week-then-blow-your - account-martingale-trading-sceme-crap". What you get with us is a LIFETIME SERVICE. We became so popular on forex for a reason.
Because we keep developing and we keep ensuring maximum profitability for us and our community.
Steve, Mike and Uli and the whole fapturbo support and community team!
Once you've absorbed all you need to know, just sit back, relax and watch as your robot goes to work for you!
This is unlike anything you have seen or experienced before.
This truly is a risk-free opportunity.
* 13,014 Total Trades.
* 8,792% NET Profit.
Post your feedback about FapTurbo™ robot. Please do not post any support questions, use supportfapturbo2 instead. No spam links are allowed.
For A One Time Payment Of $149.
todos os direitos reservados.
Disclaimer: In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results we personally achieved on our live accounts during our forex trading. Nossos resultados não são indicativos de desempenho ou sucesso no futuro. Não estamos sugerindo que esses resultados podem ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Past performances do not necessarily indicate future results!
Some of the accounts shown on this page are simulation demo accounts and backtests for the demonstration purposes. They give you impression on how the robot might work and trade but they do not necessarily indicate future results!
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated we have no connection to the person giving the testimonials. Where we do have a material connection to the person we will clearly state the connection. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success. Actor Portraying Real Purchaser.
The betatesters used in this video were provided a review copy of the product and a result has a material connection to our website, which may influence their opinion. In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results our betatesters that were achieved during the forex trading. The results are not indicative of future performance or success.
People who send testimonial tend to be happy with the product at the time they sent the testimonial but their experience may change over time. Não estamos sugerindo que esses resultados podem ser geralmente esperados ou alcançados por qualquer pessoa. Existe um risco substancial de perda associada ao comércio Forex. Past performances do not necessarily indicate future results!
FTC Required disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated we have no connection to the person giving the testimonials. Where we do have a material connection to the person we will clearly state the connection. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or success. The betatesters used in the video testimonials were provided a review copy of the product and a result has a material connection to our website, which may influence their opinion. In the interest of full disclosure we can not say that these results are representative of all users. We simply share the results our betatesters that were achieved during the forex trading. The results are not indicative of future performance or success.
All 5 video tesimonials shown on this page are REAL verifiable people and not actors.

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